
Class #12 Education

1. Do you think Japan should give more students options to study more languages(other than English) in junior and senior high shool?

I think it is enough to study English for now in Japan. Because, the Japanese government push the promotion of education at the elementary school level.
Many people believe an ability to speak English is important for the global society. So I think they don't need to study more language. But in university, students to study more language except they given a choice.

2. Read this interesting option from the Mainichi newspaper.
Do you agree with the author?
Is being fluent in English a waste of time?

Sorry.. I couldn't found Mainichi newspaper article on the web.

No, is being fluent in English a waste of time is not true. Because, people become fluent in the spoken language is good thing, and so I would like to speak in the future!
To succeed in the global society, people need to develop a fluent command of English.

Class #13 Reflection Class

"What women want"
Don't you wish that all men could read minds and really understand women?
On your blog, Please tell me how you felt about the movie and what were some of your favorite scenes.

I really enjoyed this movie. I think a women's mind is difficult to understand especially by men, because it is also difficult to comprehend by women at all.
I heard something about that man's feelings are simplicity than a woman.
I felt rally sure that is true such proverbial phrase as "A women's mind and a winter wind change off". I think women are thinking of the consequences through hard times and good times or speak as see the situation anytime.
My favorite scenes in the movie, He worn tights and bra, polished his nails, used hair remover ad tape. It was so fun!
When got a shock, then he could became heard women's thought and read minds, I never thought about that women think from various perspectives. It was a surprise.
If men could understand women's mind, I guess men will be able to flourish much more in the company and society.

Class #11 Men and Women

Homework is read an article from the Japan Times and give your opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with the author(who is Japanese). Please explain why.

I agree with the author. Because, I could understood the article "kyo no kanojyo wa ashitano motokano" (Today's girlfriend is tomorrow's ex-girl friend). It means today's girl friend and tomorrow's girl friend is totally different. Therefore, it means she is moody person and she change into someone else, so boyfriend felt like a new girlfriend! It was interesting example for women, I think it apply to all women.

Class #10 Table Manners

1. Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant?

Yes, I have eaten in a foreign restaurant.

2. Where?

A pub in Britain.

3. What did you eat?

I ate "fish & chips" and "chicken tikka masala". That was a good meal!

4. Did you make any mistakes?
Please Explain your experience.

Yes, in Japanese restaurant, we usually wait to get into a restaurant, and the waiter direct us to a seat, then they take orders to our table.
But in Britain is not, we have to go the bar counter to order before get a seat, and pay a bill on ahead. At first, I didn't know anything so I used to look around.
British pub opens during the day, so it looks like a restaurant. Some pubs is offering breakfast and lunch, therefore pub is not only where people go out to for some drinks!

5. Did you learn anything?

I have never been to expensive restaurants in foreign country, so I have not as yet a big mistakes about table manner.
I learned a lot of table manners, I put the lessons to good use when I go abroad.



Reflections class #2

In your blog please write your comments and thoughts of the movie.
-Do you think this is a true story?

I thought this film was much more the romantic comedy.
But is was true story, from a story line. I thought Hellenism is totally different from other countries.

-Can this really happen in today's modern times?

Yes, it happen in today's modern times. I think it happen around the world.
I really interested in her parents language behavior.
First, marry Greek boys, make big Greek babies. He had a strong desire to get marry to Greek boys.
Ian's parents succumbed to the power of big Greek family. It was so interesting.
Finally, I could understood orange and apple meanings. Toula's father said, we are all different, but all fruits. He worked a few jokes into his speech.
I've never watched this firm, it was pretty good and was funny stories. I really enjoyed it.
Thank you Meiki Sensei!


1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea?

I don't think massive wedding is a good idea so much. Because I don't want to put up the a lot of money plus for the wedding.
It looks terrible for arrange the wedding ceremony and invitation.

2. What do you think about eloping? Having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?

I never thought about eloping, I watched just in the movie and the drama.

Hawaii is so popular for the wedding to the Japanese.
My friend works at wedding center in Hawaii. She said that there's a lot of Japanese people do a wedding.

3.What is your ideal wedding?

My ideal wedding would be hold small wedding in a quiet and beautiful place, with only relatives and close acquaintances attending.

4.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I would wear a white dress and I want to design a bridal bouquet.
That is important for me, because bridal is once in a lifetime experience.

5. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?

I never been to a foreigner's wedding. I wish to go once at least.


-Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?

I think it is important to talk about superstitions, because we have a lot of different superstitions and it is vary in different countries.

-Is communication affected by superstitions?

I think communication is affected by superstitions depending on circumstances. But, I never to communicate affected by superstitions.

-Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

I don't believe in superstitions. I usually think that all just superstitions...